“This is the very foundation of our organisation and our volunteers will always be an integral part of everything that we do. This National Volunteers Week, we’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to all those who’ve made the choice to give their service and their time to Trade Aid.“
– Geoff White, CEO
National Volunteer Week is a celebration close to our hearts at Trade Aid. Over the years, tens of thousands of volunteers have generously contributed their time and energy to Trade Aid. This contribution helps to support Trade Aid’s work with our talented producers around the world.
National Volunteer Week celebrates the 1.2 million Kiwis who volunteer in our communities every year. The theme for 2019 is “Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together”. Volunteering, Mahi Aroha and social action weave people and communities together.
Our trading model is making the world a better place for both producers and consumers and there are many ways you can be a part of this revolutionary change. Anyone can make a difference.
Discover how you can make a difference in your local Trade Aid community>
The event will run from June 16-22, 2019