Heading back to school after the long summer break is a great time to make some eco-conscious choices for the schooling year ahead. Here are a few tips for keeping our budding scholars – and you – happy, healthy and efficient!
Litterless lunchboxes! Use reusable containers or wax wraps, and buy your lunchbox snacks in bulk to save on empty food packets filling bins – or littering school grounds in the case of the many bin-less schools around the country. Fill a reusable container with a sweet, nutritious treat like Trade Aid’s raisins and medjoul dates, or add them to your home made energy balls. Trail mix isn’t just for hiking, it’s a tasty, nutritious option for school lunches that’ll keep the kids going for hours. Chop up a selection of dried fruit, chocolate squares or even thrown in a few chocolate coated cashews for a delicious treat (just make sure your school doesn’t have a nut-free policy!)
Sticking with a reusable theme, try to reuse old school books from last year that aren’t full. Scout around for second-hand school uniforms, and choose a long-lasting, stainless steel drink bottle.
And possibly the most enjoyable way to get school kids to reuse reuse reuse – the public library! The perfect place to refresh reading material, and the place to go for career resources, education support and community and public services. Suss out your local library and get reading – and reusing – today!