Here are some websites and research to help you become an ethical consumer:
Baptist World Aid Australia
Behind the Barcode was created by Baptist World Aid Australia and features a series of industry reports on fashion and electronics. These reports seek to empower consumers to purchase ethically, and to encourage companies to ensure workers are protected, not harmed, that they are rewarded, not exploited and that they are free from the tyranny of modern slavery. Learn more here>
Ethical Fashion Guide
The Baptist World Aid Australia Ethical fashion guide includes numerous brands found here in New Zealand. Learn more here>
Ethical Electronics Guide
So does shopping ‘ethically’ really make a difference? Behind The Barcode says:
“You would be amazed at the difference your purchasing decisions can make! Since the last edition of the Fashion Guide, two thirds of the companies we had engaged with in the 2013 Fashion Guide improved their labour management system, and 44 companies have engaged with us about what they’re doing to ensure that workers aren’t being exploited. The pressure arising from consumers and investors, and the increased awareness since the fatal Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, which saw over 1,100 workers lose their lives, has seen the industry take big strides forward. That means better jobs, and better protection for workers!”
Since the last edition of the Electronics Guide, 64% of companies have improved their ratings, with 9% of companies showing significant improvements.
By using these guides and choosing to shop ethically, every dollar you spend sends a signal to companies about how you want them to act. So yes, your advocacy and choice to purchase ethically makes life-transforming differences for workers overseas!” Learn more here>
Make it Ethical
From small-batch in-house production to organic cotton and living wages, right through to fair trade and beyond! Make it Ethical love ethical production and hope to show you how easy it is to buy better. Learn more here>
Fashion Revolution
You re-shape the fashion industry – the lives of its producers, its workers – every time you buy or dispose of clothing. Learn more here>
Ethical Consumer U.K
This is very comprehensive site to visit – you can access information that helps you rank international brands and understand the detail needed to rate companies, giving you more power to make comparisons based on your ethical priorities.
Here are links to reports on:
- Chocolate bars
- Tea
- Appliances
- PC and video games
- Changes in the fashion industry since Rana Plaza
- Boycotts
Corporate Critic
Corporate Critic is a product of the Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA) U.K. and rates the Corporate Social Responsibility records of over 25,000 companies. ECRA was founded in 1988 as a not-for-profit workers’ co-operative to ‘provide information on the companies behind the brand names and to promote the ethical use of consumer power.’ Learn more here>
Slow style vs fast fashion
Good Magazine investigated the dark side of the fashion industry and uncovered some secrets of enduring style that help you reduce what you buy and be more conscious about what you buy:
- Plant your wardrobe with style perennials
- Learn to splurge strategically
- Flirt with trends – one at a time
- Head off the beaten shopping trail
- Learn the tricks of repurposing old favourites
- Support retailers who embrace the slow fashion ethos
Other interesting links to check out:
‘Five things to read about… modern slavery’
“Modern slavery is a resilient, complex scourge that blights almost every country on earth. Although there are no easy or quick fixes for the global problem, small acts can make a difference to individual victims.” Learn more here>