Final thoughts – Shampoo Bar Testing Final thoughts survey - Shampoo Bar Name Have you used the Shampoo Bar for six consecutive washes? YesNo (please state why) Have you used the Shampoo Bar for six consecutive washes? Overall, how satisfied were you with the Trade Aid Shampoo Bar? (1 = dissatisfied, 5= loved it) 1 2 3 4 5 Did the Shampoo Bar meet your expectations? Why or why not? How would you rate the effectiveness of the Shampoo Bar in addressing your hair concerns? (1 = not effective, 5 = very effective) 1 2 3 4 5 Would you continue using the Shampoo Bar as part of your regular hair care routine? YesNo (please state why) Would you continue using the Shampoo Bar as part of your regular hair care routine? How likely are you to purchase Trade Aid Shampoo Bars? (1 = unlikely, 5 = regular purchase) 1 2 3 4 5 How would you rate the scent of the Shampoo Bar? (1 = unpleasant, 5 = enjoyable) 1 2 3 4 5 Did you use a conditioner / mask / serum after using the shampoo bar? YesNo Were you comfortable with the size and weight of the Shampoo Bar? YesNo (please state why) Were you comfortable with the size and weight of the Shampoo Bar? What price range would you be willing to pay for this Shampoo Bar (100g) in Supermarkets? Between $15 - $20Between $10 - $15 What price range would you be willing to pay for this Shampoo Bar (100g) in Supermarkets? Would you be interested in purchasing any of the following products from Trade Aid? Conditioner Bar Deodorant Bar Face Cleansing Bar None of the above Did you experience any specific drawbacks or areas of improvement for the Shampoo Bar? Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the Shampoo Bar or Trade Aid's hair care products? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit