Social Accounting 2018

Trade Aid Importers is a social enterprise. We are a mission-based organisation and we engage in commercial trading activities to achieve our aims and goals.

We are committed to creating a strong business for the benefit of everyone involved, and to make sure this is not at the detriment of any of our stakeholders we undertake social accounting to understand our impact at each point of our supply chain.

Using a reporting system that clearly links the activities we engage in, with the benefits that are accrued further down the supply chain, we are seeking to not only measure our impact but also to communicate to our supporters the differences involved in a fair trade system versus conventional trade. Using a social accounts framework to do this means we are providing authentic data our supporters can trust. Join us for a journey through our social accounts.

Start the journey

How to navigate our social accounts:

You can progress through the stages by clicking on the navigation at the top of the screen, or click on the Next button to go to the next step of the stage.

At anytime, over the following pages you can learn more by clicking on ‘read more here’ and this will take you to more detail about that item.

More detail: